Thursday, October 22, 2009

Soooo... Halloween is around the corner, which means, Atlanta Pride is coming up! Which means, I have another show to go to!! I know I haven't blogged much about it but it was sort of a last minute thing. I got lucky and was able to sign up for a spot as a vendor. This year's pride will be located back at Piedmont park as opposed to last year, which I heard was in some venue parking lot. I didn't get to go last year, but from what I heard, it wasn't the greatest, so I think the Pride committee and Piedmont park finally came to a compromise to have it during Halloween. It'll be nice because people won't be passing out this time from the heat lol. Anyways, here's the link.

I'm super stoked about this one since it'll be a local show and a lot of people I know will be going! Halloween is always an interesting holiday. Of course the fun part is going out to find a costume and eat candy until your teeth rot out. I was at one of those Halloween stores with my fav and found this costume:

Hahahaha! Aside from the dude dressed as a Baywatch babe that needs a serious bikini wax, the name of the costume itself was pretty hilarious. They had some other "adult" ones as they call it. Another I saw was of a plug and an electric socket. Obviously this would be for a couple (guy and girl none-the-less), but guess who was pictured as the plug? Yup... typical, haha. I was thinking of getting the outfits and being the plug and wearing it in my booth, but then I realized my plug would probably be too big to fit in the booth, haha! Get it? My plug too big? Hahahaha! I know I'm lame, so! But yeah, back to what I was saying. I ended up getting this kick ass hat that I'm gonna wear during the show. It's going to be super festive, you just wait and see! Other than that, it was fun and a total adventure.

Alright. I'm getting sleepy, must go beddy bye, so peace!

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