Monday, November 23, 2009

Ok wow.

Sorry for sucking at updating my blog. A lot has been going on lately and it's been a little crazy trying to keep up!

Atlanta Pride went quite well! The response was a lot larger and I had a chance to really connect with people this time and even made some new friends :) . It was great to see people's smiles and hear people's comments when they came into the tent to check out the shirts. Even people who walk by and took a step back to read a shirt, then giggle. I loved it! Saturday was pretty yucky since it rained half the day, so the crowds were a bit smaller, but Sunday was beautiful day, so the park was jam packed with people everywhere lol. My booth neighbors were pretty cool too, which was a plus. They actually ended up buying some shirts from me at the end of the day too, hehe. So, thank you, Heidi and Ben, for your support! Pictures of the event can be found on the Unbound fan page on Facebook, so check it out if you have a chance.

In other unrelated news, I got a doggie :) I've been thinking of getting one for the past couple of months and just felt it was the right time. 6 months ago I had to put down my Yorkie of 15 1/2 years. He was the first animal I ever had and it was incredibly tough to let him go, but I know it was only for the best. He had a long and spoiled life full of love and great food lol. But anyways, I really missed having the companionship of a dog. Cats are cool (I have one too), but they're just too independent sometimes and you can't exactly take them for a walk at the park. So, me and my fav went to the pound and found an adorable, sweet Dalmation/Pitbull mix and immediately knew she was the one. She was listed as a stray which was hard to believe because she was super smart and seemed to be already house trained. Her and my cat are slowly becoming buddies, so that's a huge plus. That was something I was a bit worried about since the dog is like 10 times my kitteh's size lol. I also think she has a size complex cuz she really likes sleeping in the cat's bed as you can see in the pic above. You can see my cat behind her like "WTF, that's mine!", hahaha. That's one of the main updates in my life.

As for updates on Unbound... I have a surprise for December coming up that will be revealed at the beginning of the month. The holidays are coming up and so is Black Friday :) ... I've got some ideas floating around, so stay tuned! I think that about sums up the main parts, however, I'll try better next time to update more often =P

Have a good night!

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