Monday, September 27, 2010

Mama, don't take my Kodacrome away

Yesterday, I picked up my first digital SLR camera! I've always loved photography, and had a chance to take a photography class while I was in school. After that, I was hooked! Up until now, I've always had analog SLR cameras since digital was so expensive, but a lot of well known brands have been coming out with entry level SLRs that are pretty affordable.

Anyway, I'm still learning all the functions and digging up what I remember from photo class. All of you who have animals know that they always end up being the guinea pigs for this type of stuff :) ... so as you can see below, I've taken pics of my three bundles of joy. They came out quite nice and I'm pretty impressed with the picture quality! Can't wait to do some more experimenting and then I can start doing better product shots and get some models in there!

In other news, Pride is coming up in a couple of weeks! I've been working on a limited edition surprise that will debut that weekend. Other than that, just trying to get everything together and organized for the show. I'm really hoping it doesn't rain this time, but you never know with Atlanta weather! Speaking of the weather, what happened to Fall??? I mean, it's almost October, and it's still hot here!!! Hopefully it'll cool off by Pride weekend. Don't forget to stop by our booth! We are in the Blue section, B12 to be exact, so come by and say haaayyy. I will post all this info on the Facebook page later on this week. But now, it's time for bed. G'nite!

1 comment:

Jack said...

the animals are lookin good. I also dig all the work on your site. you have a good eye. cheers.