Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finally, the cold has come

Hola! I'm so happy the weather has decided to match the season around here. I was starting to wonder...

Anyway, we had a pretty successful show at Atlanta Pride last month. The weather was beautiful (1st year it didn't rain!), and met tons of new people as well as some repeat customers who came by to say hello! We raised $20 from the proceeds of the Pink shirt that was donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, woohoo!

I would like to show my gratitude to those of you who continuously show your support for Unbound, there really are no words to express how much it is appreciated and how fulfilling it is to see the smiles on people's faces when they look at some of the designs. So, thank you all!!!

Right now I'm currently working on new designs to be released soon. We've also gathered some models and will be doing a photo shoot next week, so I'm looking forward to that. Hope all of you are staying warm :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mama, don't take my Kodacrome away

Yesterday, I picked up my first digital SLR camera! I've always loved photography, and had a chance to take a photography class while I was in school. After that, I was hooked! Up until now, I've always had analog SLR cameras since digital was so expensive, but a lot of well known brands have been coming out with entry level SLRs that are pretty affordable.

Anyway, I'm still learning all the functions and digging up what I remember from photo class. All of you who have animals know that they always end up being the guinea pigs for this type of stuff :) ... so as you can see below, I've taken pics of my three bundles of joy. They came out quite nice and I'm pretty impressed with the picture quality! Can't wait to do some more experimenting and then I can start doing better product shots and get some models in there!

In other news, Pride is coming up in a couple of weeks! I've been working on a limited edition surprise that will debut that weekend. Other than that, just trying to get everything together and organized for the show. I'm really hoping it doesn't rain this time, but you never know with Atlanta weather! Speaking of the weather, what happened to Fall??? I mean, it's almost October, and it's still hot here!!! Hopefully it'll cool off by Pride weekend. Don't forget to stop by our booth! We are in the Blue section, B12 to be exact, so come by and say haaayyy. I will post all this info on the Facebook page later on this week. But now, it's time for bed. G'nite!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kiss the Curves 2011

**Exciting news alert**

I received an email a few weeks ago from the PR agent of a fashion show called Kiss the Curves, located in Los Angeles, CA. The mission of Kiss the Curves is to bring awareness and celebrate the beauty of plus-size women in the fashion industry. It just so happens that they are also having an "Androgynous women" segment and wanted Unbound to be one of their featured designers!!

It is truly a blessing this came about, and I am extremely excited about this opportunity. Kiss the Curves 2011 will be held on March 18-20, 2011 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. More information is posted on their website at

This is going to be a huge event, which means there will be tons of publicity. It is almost surreal to think about, but it just reconfirms why I am doing what I'm doing. This fashion week has such a positive objective, and to be invited as a designer is beyond words. It is an honor, and I'm looking forward to it!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's own

I always love it when I see celebrity children being able to express themselves the way they desire. Take Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's daughter, Shiloh, for example. As you see in these photos, she's dressed exactly how she wants to dress. I mean check out that sword! That is pretty bad ass. When was the last time you saw a young girl being able to carry a sword just because she wanted to, without her parents disagreeing with it.

There's a lot of hype in the media about "Why is Angelina turning Shiloh into a boy?" or "Is Shiloh a boy or girl?"... I mean really guys? Really. Why would anyone go out of their way to purposely "turn their child" into the opposite gender just to get raves about it?? Ever think that maybe Shiloh just likes that style? It's what she feels comfortable in and having parents that allow you to be who you are at such a young age is very rare, especially in Hollywood. Even Angelina stated that she allows Shiloh to pick out her own clothes:

“It’s not my choice. I have a very strong willed four-year-old girl who tells me what she wants to wear and I let her be who she is.”

“I think children should wear what they want and express themselves, so we give them different options of things.”
- Angelina Jolie

And as far as the "boyish" pixie haircut is concerned, this is what Angie said:

“Shiloh cried and said, ‘Please cut my hair off, I don’t want to have long hair.’ I’m not going to leave it long because somebody thinks I should. I want to do what’s in her head and what’s in her heart is to dress like that. I think it’s beautiful.” - Angelina Jolie

Right on, Angelina! I've always loved Angelina, but this makes me love her even more! I tip my hat to all the parents out there that allow their children to be who they are and not what society expects them to be. Keep doing what you're doing, Brad and Angelina, I totally support you and I'm sure millions of others out there do as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Avon’s Loss, Adam’s Win

Men lining out their eyes and using glitter? No, we’re not talking about Peter Pan. In fact, Avon called they want their makeup back. Adam Lambert is now coming out with a new line of men’s makeup. He’s styling up the grooming of today’s men, and yes, straight men wear makeup too.

There is a lot of publicity about Adam and his new line of men’s cosmetics, but believe it or not, men’s make up has been around for centuries, well actually longer. Back in Ancient Egyptian times, men lined their eyes and painted their face. In fact, it was completely normal during that age to even see a child with eyeliner. No, Adam’s make up is not made with Mercury or Lead.

And although, Adam Lambert’s line is not for spiritual purposes, like those of the Egyptians, he is bringing back an autonomy that has long left the male population. He’s created an equal playing field for both men and women to relate. Now, women will be asking men what lipstick is better for their complexion, and what eyeliner doesn’t smudge. If you think about it, we’re able to move closer together because of the blending of the rouge on our human cheeks. No more should men’s makeup be considered taboo.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Top 20 Androgynous Celebs

Believe it or not, androgynous celebrities do exist (and some are pretty hot). Especially these days, the idea of gender and sexuality have sort of become fluid, and are beginning to be more accepted in our society today. I don't know if you've noticed, but skinny jeans are becoming quite a trend with not only women, but also men these days. Reminds me of the 50's where the "Bad boys" use to wear tight jeans and leather jackets, and John Travolta singing "Grease Lighting".

Anyway, I decided to come up with my own Top 20 list of androgynous celebrities, because 10 just isn't enough. Enjoy!

20.) Bret Michaels

Lead vocalist of Poison and also well-known for his reality show "Rock of Love". Check out the leopard print.

19.) Pat

Remember Pat?! The androgynous character on Saturday Night Live. Pat was actually created and played by a woman: Julie Sweeney.

18.) Prince

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, or was born yesterday, you'd know the power of Purple Rain.

17.) KD Lang

Canadian pop and country singer

16.) Ellen Degeneres

How can you NOT love Ellen?!

15.) Hanson

This was back in the day, but still worth posting. Don't lie. You know you listen to MmmBop on repeat in your car.

14.) Jenny Shimizu

I mean, she use to date Angelina Jolie (!!!)... 'Nuff said.

13.) David Bowie

Makes me want to watch Labyrinth

12.) RuPaul

I bet you never thought you could see RuPaul wearing a tie and suit, huh?

11.) Michael Jackson

One of the greatest entertainers that ever lived. Rest in Peace, MJ!

10.) Daniela Sea

Best known as "Max" on The L Word. I could totally swim in those baby blues *swoon*

9.) Marilyn Manson

Come on, you knew he was going to be on here!

8.) Gracie Jones

One of the worlds top supermodels

7.) Kate Moennig

Best known as "Shane" from The L Word. UM... *double swoon* Can we say HOT?!

6.) Jaye Davidson

If you haven't seen The Crying Game yet, I definitely recommend it. There is one scene that'll definitely make you remember this movie lol.

5.) Eddie Izzard

British comedian. Cake or death?! Cake, please.

4.) Adam Lambert

Was one of the top two finalist of American Idol

3.) Boy George

Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameeeleeeon

2.) Bill Kaulitz

Vocalist for Tokio Hotel. And yes, he's straight.

1.) Brian Molko

Lead singer for Placebo. He's straight too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well hello! After about 3 months of silence, I thought it would be a good time to do an update, ha!

To summarize the last three months, it's been quite interesting. Lots of changes, growing, learning, and new opportunities. To say the least, I went through some growing pains, but I think everyone experiences these stages at some point in their lives. Moving forward, I haven't stopped planning for Unbound. I'm looking towards more shows this year, and new shirt designs, woohoo! I've also been working on re-designing the website as well, so that's part of what's been happening behind the scenes. Not to mention, I've had quite a few requests for winter gear, so that's something else I'll be looking into.

I'm still in shock that it's 2010, and we're almost in the middle of the year! I guess parents really mean it when they say to enjoy your childhood while it lasts. Anyway, just a short post to let you guys know that I'm still alive and kicking. More to come!